Policies & Procedures
Click on the policy from the list below to see a copy of our policy document:
Employment - Disciplinary and Grievance
Employment - Induction and Probation
Employment - Safer Recruitment and Employment
Employment - Staff Sickness and Absence
Employment - Staff Supervision and Appraisal
Female Genital Mutilation (FMG)
Policy and Procedure Implementation and Review
Promoting British Values and the Prevent Duty
Click on the procedure from the list below to see a copy of our procedure document:
Complaints Procedure for Parents and Service Users
Early Years Practice - Absence
Early Years Practice - Intimate Care and Nappy Changing
Early Years Practice - Sleep and Rest
Early Years Practice - The Role of the Key Person
Employment - Induction and Probation
Employment - Safer Recruitment and Employment
Employment - Staff Supervision and Appraisals
Equality - Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity
Health - Administering Calpol and Nurofen
Health - Administration of Medicine
Health - Allergies and Food Intolerance
Health - First Aid, Accidents and Emergency Treatment
Health - Life-Saving Medication and Invasive Treatments
Health and Safety - Animals and Pets
Health and Safety - Children’s Bathrooms Changing Areas
Health and Safety - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Health and Safety - Entrances and Approach to the Building
Health and Safety - Face Painting and Mehndi
Health and Safety - Festival (and Other) Decorations
Health and Safety - Group Rooms and Corridors
Health and Safety - Jewellery and Hair Accessories
Health and Safety - Kitchen Area
Health and Safety - Maintenance and Repairs
Health and Safety - Manual Handling
Health and Safety - Notifiable Incident Including RIDDOR and Ofsted
Health and Safety - Risk Assessments
Health and Safety - Short Trips, Outings and Excursions
Health and Safety - Staff Personal Safety
Health and Safety - Terrorist Threat Attack and Lock-Down
Health and Safety - Threats and Abuse Towards Staff and Volunteers
Record Keeping - Children’s Records and Data Protection
Record Keeping - Client Access to Records
Record Keeping - Confidentiality, Recording and Sharing Information
Record Keeping - Transfer of Records
Safeguarding - Allegations Against Staff, Volunteers or Agency Staff
Safeguarding - Death of a Child On-Site
Safeguarding - Incapacitated Parent